74 research outputs found

    Autonomous defense? The role of military forces in EU external affairs

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    Conclusion: The trend toward EU autonomy in defense matters may not be so ineluctable as it appeared in 1999-2000. The Kosovo war produced widespread political support for the French-British desire for a stronger European pillar, born out of frustrations with the US in the former Yugoslavia and also NATO’s inability to incite capability reform in Europe. From a convergence of state preferences followed the ESDP with a policy focused on Petersberg tasks, new institutions within the EU, and a separate force planning mechanism. However, the events of September 11, 2001 have exposed underlying tensions among European state preferences and the trajectory is likely to change, no longer moving toward autonomy but a new type of dependency. The US will offer little support for a security and defense policy that does not reinforce its new global strategy, and in this respect its revisionist stance vis-à-vis the European pillar will harden. The strategic design for European autonomy will suffer and reside mainly in a military design that French policy-makers support rhetorically or a more broadly based design for the EU as a “civilian power.” Military operations will occur in ad hoc coalitions that rely on both NATO and EU means, thus resulting in a type of institutional interdependence, but US superiority and European weakness will in the context of coercion create a new type of military dependency. This conclusion is based on an examination of how states respond to new power configurations and opportunities and seek to enhance their influence and the scope for their domestically rooted values and worldviews. States support institutions such as NATO and the EU depending on the affinity between the ideas that these institutions harbor and the interests of states. To the extent that these ideas evolve away from state interests, the institution will lose support. The US policy on NATO is intended to break what US policy-makers perceive as a trend toward irrelevance. Likewise, Western European governments are currently realizing the extent to which enlargement of both the EU and NATO have changed the rationale of these institutions and thus made strategic support for them difficult. The result is a vacuum of leadership and commitment and, as pointed out, new patterns of dependency. A new Messina summit may produce a slimmer European security pillar that can establish a new affinity between state power and institutional purpose. Messina I occurred ten years following the change of world order, in 1945. Messina II has been and will continue to be longer in the waiting

    Going global? Europe's foreign policy ambition and its limits

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    Existem várias razões para a debilidade da política externa da União Europeia. Neste artigo, defendo que uma dessas razões resulta da falta de pensamento e empenhamento estratégico da União Europeia. Os países europeus – tanto através da UE como da NATO – têm identificado correctamente o crescente desafio resultante da globalização. Este traz vastas oportunidades e novas ameaças, que a Europa deve explorar e confrontar. No entanto, apesar da avaliação estratégica ser a correcta, a política adoptada é errada. A Europa necessita de recuperar o seu propósito, mas através dos seus próprios esforços políticos

    Denmark\u27s Lessons

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    This article argues despite opportunities to learn valuable strategic lessons from Denmark’s effort in the Afghanistan War (2001–14), Danish civil authorities implemented a comprehensive approach policy that failed to establish a bridge to lessons learned by the military. Denmark’s experience in the Afghanistan War demonstrates promises and perils of lessons learned processes

    USA’s udenrigspolitik i geopolitisk perspektiv

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    Amerikansk sikkerhedspolitik drives af underlig- gende bekymring for, om USA kan holde Euro-Asien fragmenteret og svagt. Et centralt virkemiddel er geografiske brohoveder fra Europa til Asien, og de udsving vi oplever, skyldes forskellige syn på disse brohoveder.&nbsp

    Danmarks nationale interesse: Et nødvendigt instrument i en prioriteret aktivisme

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    Sten Rynning sætter fokus på ‘Danmarks nationale interesse’ med udgangspunkt i et af hovedbudskaberne i Taksøe-Jensens udredning: ‘at Dan- marks nationale interesse skal stå klart og guide prioriteter i udenrigspolitikken’

    NATOs troværdighed på spil i Afghanistan

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    Erfaringen tilsiger, at eksterne magter ikke kan styre udviklingen i Afghanistan. Og dog bør NATO ikke bare trække sig ud – for det vil ikke blot underminere artikel fem og dermed Alliancen, men også selve den internationale orden, som Vesten støtter sig til.&nbsp

    Trump Country

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    Baggrundssektionen indledes med Sten Rynnings og Christilla Roederer-Rynnings status over præsident Donald Trumps første tid i Det Hvide Hus

    Danmarks nationale interesse: Et nødvendigt instrument i en prioriteret aktivisme

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    Sten Rynning sætter fokus på ‘Danmarks nationale interesse’ med udgangspunkt i et af hovedbudskaberne i Taksøe-Jensens udredning: ‘at Dan- marks nationale interesse skal stå klart og guide prioriteter i udenrigspolitikken’

    NATOs troværdighed på spil i Afghanistan

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    Erfaringen tilsiger, at eksterne magter ikke kan styre udviklingen i Afghanistan. Og dog bør NATO ikke bare trække sig ud – for det vil ikke blot underminere artikel fem og dermed Alliancen, men også selve den internationale orden, som Vesten støtter sig til.&nbsp